WP Quiz is the #1 WordPress Quiz plugin for building powerful and beautiful quizzes. This can increase engagement for any website or blog by keeping your users glued to the page.
v2.1.3 (2nd Jul, 2020)
- Added option to enable payment to view the quiz result
- Added filter to change the email headers
- Fixed payment method is visible even when setup incorrectly
- Fixed WEBM video automatically plays
v2.1.2 (5 May, 2020)
- Fixed quiz email not sending in the PHP 7.3
- Fixed Vote down stats for the swipers quiz are not recording correctly
- Fixed AWeber lists dropdown not showing lists after the first connect
- Fixed quiz timer not hiding after the quiz completion
- Fixed some PHP notices
v2.1.1 (1 Apr, 2020)
- Added list dropdown in the AWeber integration
v2.1.0 (7 Feb, 2020)
- Improved AWeber integration, please connect your account again from WP Dashboard >> WP Quiz Pro >> Settings > Subscription
- Fixed autoplay issue for MP4 videos
- Fixed MP4 video not displaying in some browsers
v2.0.19 (21 Oct, 2019)
- Added Paypal payment method
- Added missing text in the localization file for translation
- Fixed quiz data is deleted when adding links to quiz results
v2.0.18 (14 Sep, 2019)
- Disabled overall timer when using reload feature
- Fixed Play Again button not showing when using reload feature
- Fixed JS error when playing Facebook quiz using Friends profile image
v2.0.17 (27 Aug, 2019)
- Added an option to use minute format in the timer
- Added some missing strings in the localization file
- Fixed force action not working after Personality quiz reload
- Fixed empty quiz after importing the content content
v2.0.16 (16 Aug, 2019)
- Fixed can't turn off auto scroll for the last question
- Fixed subscription box title does not show correctly
- Removed the deactivate free version notice
- Removed some unused strings
v2.0.15 (29 Jul, 2019)
- Fixed the answers list not displaying when reload option is enabled
v2.0.14 (24 Jul, 2019)
- Fixed wrong results showing on in the Trivia quiz type
- Fixed missing animation effect in the Personality quiz type after subscription form submission
v2.0.13 (9 Jul, 2019)
- Fixed translation issue in the List quiz type
v2.0.12 (1 Jul, 2019)
- Fixed Admin emails were not working
- Fixed Twitter share conflict with Yoast SEO
- Fixed Answer checking runs before force action is completed
v2.0.11 (24 Jun, 2019)
- Added `quiz_url` to the `play_data` table
- Added an option to not print the Google Analytics code
- Removed `ES6` code from the frontend
- Fixed Quiz data getting erased if there is `target="_blank"`
- Fixed unicode characters not working after list quiz voting
v2.0.10 (14 Jun, 2019)
- Added filter to change trivia delay time
- Improved GetResponse settings
- Improved Trivia delay time between questions
- Removed Support page
- Fixed reload page issues
- Fixed placeholder texts in shared Facebook quiz
v2.0.9 (21 May, 2019)
- Added delay time before redirecting to the next question to show explanation
- Removed unnecessary Facebook permission: user_gender, user_friends is used when it is required
- Fixed FaceBook quiz not working
- Fixed Personality quiz sometimes shows 2 results
- Fixed List type options do not get saved
- Fixed Reload option does not work with Randomize questions option
- Fixed Player tracking not working with the Reload option
- Fixed JS error on the Support page
- Fixed some strings with wrong text domain
v2.0.8 (1 May, 2019)
- Added ConvertKit integration
- Improved: Scroll to the quiz after refreshing
- Allowed changing title and description of share url
- Fixed Vimeo video sometimes doesn't work
- Fixed the result does not show in Personality play data list
v2.0.7 (28 Mar, 2019)
- Added support for %%score%% and %%total%% in the result titles of Trivia quiz
- Added credit link in the embedded code
- Optimized data handling while recording the player data
- Fixed CSS conflict with few themes
v2.0.6 (20 Mar, 2019)
- Added scroll option in multiple page layout
- Added delay time before redirecting after completing the quiz
- Added new text in the translation(.pot) file
- Improved Leads page columns layout
- Fixed error when deleting an email subscriber
- Fixed trivia answers are not checked in some cases
- Fixed not able to remove all the sharing buttons
- Fixed personality quiz was not working if only personality quiz is enabled
- Fixed sharing conflict with Yoast SEO open graph
- Removed Google+ share button
v2.0.5 (11 Feb, 2019)
- Updated translations
- Improved code for better performance
- Fixed wrong Quiz URL in the email
- Fixed FB Quiz stats chart issue
v2.0.4 (30 Jan, 2019)
- Fixed wrong stats in the Swiper Quiz
- Fixed export in CSV option was not working
- Fixed babelHelpers is undefined bug
- Fixed an issue when few Quizzes were missing in the export file
- Removed drag icon on hover from the stats page
v2.0.3 (12 Jan, 2019)
- Added redirect URL option for each result in the personality quiz
- Added better integration with MyThemeShop Connect Plugin
- Fixed scroll to top issue when completed quiz
- Fixed social share error when using shortcode to show quiz
- Fixed fatal error when trying to activate the free and premium version
v2.0.2 (10 Jan, 2019)
- Fixed trivia quiz was not working in the Internet Explorer
- Fixed ‘Show right/wrong answers at the end of the quiz’ option was not working
v2.0.1 (9 Jan, 2019)
- Added custom class to player IP address
- Improved player name column styling
- Fixed js error on the edit quiz page
- Fixed wrong Share URL with unpublished quizzes
v2.0.0 (7 Jan, 2019)
NOTE: This is the major release, please take backup of your database before updating the plugin.
- Created plugin from the scratch on the new framework
- Added new UI to improve the user experience
- Added new quiz type named 'List'
- Added ordering of the list in the frontend according to the user votes (List Quiz Type)
- Added Advanced Player tracking
- Added dedicated Statistics page
- Added overview to track response for each quiz
- Added new player tracking which enables the ability to use Trivia quiz to take surveys
- Added top 10 players in the stats page of each quiz
- Added support to view history of each player, now you can see all old played quizzes for each user
- Added support to store the answer of each question, now you can also see the answers of each user, very helpful if you want to take exams
- Added support to record the time took for the user to complete the quiz
- Added option to pay before start playing (Stripe and PayPal support)
- Added option to ask Player Name and Email ID before playing the quiz
- Added double-opt-in option for the subscription forms
- Added option to Login/Register before seeing the results
- Added option to Redirect to different page according to the result score
- Added option to send final results via email
- Added option to show results in the Popup
- Added video support in the Personality Quiz type
- Added option to reload the page after nth question
- Added option to load scripts in the footer
- Added support to check player IP, useful if you want to verify if multiple players are not playing from the same IP
- Added support for Google Analytics event tracking
- Added option to disable the Quiz Type (Useful if you are not using all the quiz types)
- Added option to set overall countdown timer for the quiz
- Added 44 new Animations for the multipage layout
- Added support to pass hidden custom field in the subscription form (Useful to segment subscribers)
- Added consent field in the subscription form to obey the GDPR law
- Added Shortcode button in the single post's editor bar (Now you can insert the quiz without copy pasting the Quiz Shortcode)
- Added new shortcode to list the x number of quizzes in the post
- Added advanced support for the developers, now you can override the templates or email template from the theme
- Added support for 30+ embedding services in the video field, few of them are Facebook, Twitter, Hulu, TED, Imgur, Instagram, SoundCloud etc (https://codex.wordpress.org/Embeds#oEmbed)
- Added option to import/export plugin settings
- Added option to show the hint in each question
- Added option to set text on the both sides of Flip Quiz
- Added options to set background colors for both sides of Flip quiz
- Improved AWeber integration
- Improved CSV export process
- Improved If 'Show right/wrong answer at the end' option is enabled, then answer for each questions will appear only after the completion of the quiz.
- Improved Facebook result image generation code (now you don't need Imagick installed on your server)
- Improved Now you can use the theme font in the Facebook Results
- Improved Now you can also set the font thickness in the Facebook Results
- Overall code improvement for the security and performance
v1.2.22 (26 Nov, 2018)
- Fixed Swiper quiz slide issue on mobile
Files updated:
- assets/js/jquery.jTinder.min.js
- wp-quiz-pro.php
v1.2.21 (5 Nov, 2018)
- Improved compatibility with MTS Updater
v1.2.20 (1 Nov, 2018)
- Added option to change the Quiz archive slug
- Fixed adding slashes when saving General settings
- Updated translation(.pot) file
v1.2.19 (26 Oct, 2018)
- New Update Process Added
v1.2.18 (25 Sep, 2018)
- Fixed custom media embed issue
Files updated:
- inc/class-trivia-quiz.php
- inc/class-wp-quiz-pro.php
v1.2.17 (24 Sep, 2018)
- Fixed Ad code related issues showing in the query monitor plugin
- Fixed wrong filter name related to play again button
Files updated:
- inc/class-wp-quiz-pro.php
v1.2.16 (18 Sep, 2018)
- Fixed PHP v7.2 compatibility issues
Files updated:
- wp-quiz-pro.php
- inc\class-personality-quiz.php
- inc\class-trivia-quiz.php
- inc\class-flip-quiz.php
v1.2.15 (13 Sep, 2018)
- Fixed Timer counter last question issue
- Fixed restart quiz showing multiple questions in multipage layout
Files updated:
- wp-quiz-pro.php
- assets\js\main.js
- assets\js\main.min.js
v1.2.14 (May 25, 2018)
- Fixed VKShare issue
Files updated:
- assets\js\main.js
- assets\js\main.min.js
v1.2.13 (May 25, 2018)
- Made plugin GDPR compliant
Files updated:
- assets\css\main.css
- inc\class-page-config.php
- inc\class-wp-quiz-pro.php
- inc\activate-plugin.php
- inc\class-admin.php
v1.2.12 (May 4, 2018)
- Fixed flip quiz height issue.
Files updated:
- assets/css/main.css
- assets/js/main.js
- assets/js/main.min.js
v1.2.11 (Feb 14, 2018)
- Fixed Fb-quiz Twitter/G+ share issue
Files updated:
- assets/js/main.js
- assets/js/main.min.js
- wp-quiz-pro.php
v1.2.10 (Jan 24, 2018)
- Fixed multi-page quizzes still auto-scrolling when proceeding to the next quiz with *Auto scroll to next question* disabled
Files updated:
- assets/js/main.js
- assets/js/main.min.js
- wp-quiz-pro.php
v1.2.9 (Jan 15, 2018)
- Fixed swipe issue
Files updated:
v1.2.8 (Dec 07, 2017)
- Fixed double click issue on continue button using debounce
Files updated:
v1.2.7 (Nov 30, 2017)
- Fixed double click issue on continue button
Files updated:
v1.2.6 (Nov 15, 2017)
- Fixed issue with quiz choices not clickable on mobile devices
Files updated:
- assets/css/main.css
- wp-quiz-pro.php
v1.2.5 (Nov 05, 2017)
- Fixed bug which was creating quiz related files on export [in ‘wp-admin’ folder]
- Fixed Flip quiz CSS
Files updated:
v1.2.4 (Oct 28, 2017)
- Fixed performance related bug
Files updated:
- wp-quiz-pro.php
v1.2.3 (Oct 24, 2017)
- Added RTL Support
- Fixed: Stack answers on mobile
Files updated:
v1.2.2 (Oct 23, 2017)
- Fixed Script loading
Files updated:
- wp-quiz-pro.php
v1.2.1 (Oct 23, 2017)
- Fixed FB Share issue
Files updated:
- wp-quiz-pro.php
v1.2.0 (Oct 20, 2017)
- Updated the JavaScript libraries to latest version
v1.1.9 (Oct 17, 2017)
- Fixed: plugin url and directory path issues for change of folder name
- Removed: constants for good
v1.1.8 (Oct 12, 2017)
- Fixed: Facebook share dialog position issue
Files updated:
- main.js
- main.min.js
v1.1.7 (Sep 15, 2017)
- Security Patch for allow_url_include
Files updated:
- wp-quiz-pro.php
v1.1.6 (Sep 2, 2017)
- "Subscribe Box Title" option front end fix
Files updated:
- wp-quiz-pro.php
- inc/class-wp-quiz-pro.php
v1.1.5 (Sep 1, 2017)
- "Subscribe Box Title" option fix
Files updated:
- wp-quiz-pro.php
- inc/class-page-config.php
v1.1.4 (Aug 26, 2017)
- Added: Quiz listing shortcode [wp_quiz_listing]
Files added:
- assets/css/listing.php
- tmpl-quiz-listing.php
Files updated:
- wp-quiz-pro.php
v1.1.3 (Aug 23, 2017)
- Fixed: Title repeating
Files updated:
- wp-quiz-pro.php
v1.1.2 (Aug 17, 2017)
- Add Subscribe box title text option
- Fix Swiper quiz class
Files updated:
- wp-quiz-pro.php
v1.1.1 (Aug 07, 2017)
- Fixed: Facebook quiz placeholder for answer
- Updated: POT file
Files updated:
- wp-quiz-pro.php
v1.1.0 (July 22, 2017)
- Fixed: Title while sharing if quiz is embedded into post/page
- Enhance: Twitter card is used for sharing quiz result
- Enhance: Google+ now share quiz result with result text and image
Files updated:
- assets/js/main.js
- assets/js/main.min.js
- wp-quiz-pro.php
v1.0.22 (July 18, 2017)
- Fixed: Ads for single page layout for Personality and Trivia quiz
Files updated:
v1.0.21 (July 11, 2017)
- Fixed: Personality quiz twitter share issue
- Fixed: Facebook quiz description issue
- Fixed: Result image reading issue in Imagick
Files updated:
- assets/js/main.js
- assets/js/main.min.js
- wp-quiz-pro.php
v1.0.20 (July 05, 2017)
- Fixed: Facebook username share issue
Files updated:
- wp-quiz-pro.php
v1.0.19 (July 04, 2017)
- Fixed: Facebook username token issue
- Add: Support for external fonts
- Fixed: Re-write Facebook quiz image generation functionality to minimize footprint
Files updated:
- assets/js/main.js
- assets/js/main.min.js
- wp-quiz-pro.php
v1.0.18 (June 30th, 2017)
- Added Support admin page
Files updated:
- wp-quiz-pro.php
- inc/class-page-support.php
v1.0.17 (June 25th, 2017)
- Fixed quiz embed functionality
Files updated:
- wp-quiz-pro.php
v1.0.16 (June 25th, 2017)
- Fixed: Facebook quiz result image for Facebook share
Files updated:
- assets/js/main.js
- assets/js/main.min.js
- wp-quiz-pro.php
v1.0.15 (June 24th, 2017)
- Added: GD library missing notification
Files updated:
- wp-quiz-pro.php
v1.0.14 (June 19, 2017)
- Fixed: Facebook invalid version issue
- Update: HTML in result description
- Fixed: Result id issue in Facebook Quiz
- Fixed: JavaScript styling and coding issues
Files updated:
- assets/js/main.js
- assets/js/main.min.js
- wp-quiz-pro.php
v1.0.13 (June 08, 2017)
- Fixed: Long Uri issue with Facebook
- Add AWeber mailing service
Files updated:
- assets/js/main.js
- assets/js/main.min.js
- wp-quiz-pro.php
Files added:
v1.0.12 (May 18, 2017)
- Add Pre-caching images strategy for Facebook
Files updated:
- wp-quiz-pro.php
v1.0.11 (May 14, 2017)
- Fix FB shared pages
Files updated:
- wp-quiz-pro.php
v1.0.10 (May 13, 2017)
- Move fb share data to new hook
- Fix FB Share JavaScript
Files updated:
- assets/js/main.js
- assets/js/main.min.js
- wp-quiz-pro.php
v1.0.9 (May 08, 2017)
- Fixed in JavaScript for trivia force fb share
- Extra conditions when outputting Open Graph Tags
Files updated:
- assets/js/main.js
- assets/js/main.min.js
- wp-quiz-pro.php
v1.0.8 (May 06, 2017)
- Fixed Facebook share issue and made plugin compatible with Facebook API v2.9
- Optimized code for better performance
Files updated:
- assets/js/main.js
- assets/js/main.min.js
- inc\activate-plugin.php
- inc\class-fb-quiz.php
- inc\class-flip-quiz.php
- inc\class-page-config.php
- inc\class-page-email-subs.php
- inc\class-page-import-export.php
- inc\class-page-players.php
- inc\class-personality-quiz.php
- inc\class-swiper-quiz.php
- inc\class-trivia-quiz.php
- inc\class-wp-quiz-pro.php
- wp-quiz-pro.php
v1.0.7 (May 5, 2017)
- Switched to Facebook SDK API v2.8
Files updated:
- wp-quiz-pro.php
v1.0.6 (May 04, 2017)
- Update Facebook sharing functionality according to sdk version 2.9
Files updated:
- assets/js/main.js
- assets/js/main.min.js
- wp-quiz-pro.php
v1.0.5 (May 02, 2017)
- Update Google Adsense strategy for multipage quiz layout
Files updated:
- assets/js/main.js
- assets/js/main.min.js
- class-personality-quiz.php
- class-trivia-quiz.php
v1.0.4 (Apr 28, 2017)
- Updated localization strings
Files updated:
- languages/default.pot -> languages/wp-quiz-pro.pot
- wp-quiz-pro.php
v1.0.3 (Feb 22, 2017)
- Fixed bug which was preventing form submission on iPhone
Files updated:
- wp-quiz-pro.php
- assets/js/main.js
- assets/js/main.min.js
v1.0.2 (Nov 16, 2016)
- Removed backend bootstrap css file call
- Fixed iframe share url issue
- Fixed missing sprite images for swiper quiz
- Fixed quiz import issue
- Fixed wrong share image url issue
- Localized string 'You voted' in swiper quiz
- Force all quiz frontend js files to load in the footer
- Other fixes and improvements
Files updated:
- wp-quiz-pro.php
- class-wp-quiz-pro.php
- inc/class-swiper-quiz.php
- inc/class-wp-quiz-pro.php
- inc/class-page-import-export.php
- assets/js/main.js
- assets/js/main.min.js
- assets/css/main.css
- assets/image/spritesheet.png
v1.0.1 (Nov 9, 2016)
- Fixed google analytics issue
- Fixed required php version issue
- Fixed personality and trivia quiz share text title
- Removed background color option from Facebook quiz
- Other fixes and improvements
Files updated:
- wp-quiz-pro.php
- class-wp-quiz-pro.php
- inc/class-trivia-quiz.php
- inc/class-page-config.php
- assets/js/main.js
- assets/js/main.min.js
- assets/js/content.min.js
v1.0.0 (Nov 7, 2016)
- Plugin released
![]() | 0 |
![]() | 6 |
8/3/20, 24:00 | |
v2.1.3 (2nd Jul, 2020) | |
![]() | See result |
![]() | 1.80 MB |