Reco is a theme excellent for magazines, blog, digital freebies, mockups and others. It is super light and was made with multiple techniques to achieve excellent Scores on Google, also we keep in mind the code quality and SEO. This fast theme it is easy to use and customize. Includes 9 customs widgets and a powerful theme options panel to make easier the administration. Reco has AMP and RTL support and it is multilanguage, includes: Turkish, Russian, French, Spanish and English.
We offer direct help via our support system, just submit a ticket if you have any question.
Check the full changelog here.
v4.7.0 - 5 October 2021 ------------------------ - Fixed: AMP Validation error. - Fixed: Incorrect alignment of Gallery Block on Gutenberg editor. - Fixed: Incorrect color for CF7 success message. - Fixed: Share Post on Linkedin always display homepage instead of Post url. - Fixed: Breadcrumb not clickable when featured image is disabled globally. - Fixed: Icon shortcode size not applied properly. - Improved: Tested Theme compatibility up to WP 5.8 - Improved: Breadcrumb HTML. - Improved: WooCommerce compatibility up to 5.7 - Improved: CSS styles for Gutenberg Tag cloud. - Added: Rank Math breadcrumb compatibility. - Added: Now Sticky Share buttons will appear on Product page (only if this option is enabled for pages). - Added: wp_body_open PHP action. - Added: New field custom script on , on Theme options -> adv settings. - Added: Legacy Search box widget (only for customer who are using WP 5.8 and want the old search box style). - Added: New option "offset" for articles modules (grid, sidebar, classic). v4.6.1 - 8 February 2021 ------------------------ - Fixed: FullBackground image not working on some server configurations (bug from v4.6.1). - Fixed: Custom CSS from Theme options -> adv settings not working on some server configurations (bug from v4.6.1). v4.6.1 - 16 January 2021 ------------------------ - Fixed: Gallery Post not working properly when ajax pagination is selected. - Fixed: Some colors not applied properly when using lowercase colors from theme options. - Fixed: Incorrect alignment for Blockquotes on Gutenberg editor. - Improved: Sticky posts will no longer appear on widgets, this will prevent incorrect amount of posts. - Added: Social Icons (Gutenberg block) compatibility. v4.6.0 - 21 December 2020 ------------------------ - Fixed: Shortcodes Generator not working on WP 5.6 - Fixed: Pagination not working properly on AMP pages (page nº 2 and greater was not redirected properly if custom home is being used), this issue is only related to AMP plugin v2.0 and greater. - Fixed: some AMP warnings for AMP v2.0 and greater. - Fixed: Filters box (before post) not removed if is "OFF" from Theme Options, this issue appears only on Search and Archives pages. - Fixed: Global Counter not removed if is "OFF" from Theme Options, this issue appears only on Search and Archives pages. - Fixed: Incorrect icon on buttons group from latest version of Redux Theme Options. - Fixed: Incorrect alignment on Unordered list (back-end). - Fixed: Disqus console error if comments are not open. - Improved: AMP layouts will match the non AMP home, archives and search pages. - Improved: Javascript compability for future releases (WP 5.7) of jQuery - Improved: Highly Optimized CSS usage on AMP pages (aprox 30 to 50% of total CSS usage). - Added: "Go to comments" button on AMP posts/pages. - Added: HTML 5 validation for email field on comments section. - Added: * Now when hovering the date it will display the published date and the modified date on a Tooltip. - Added: * New option to display "The modified Date" on Theme Options -> Blog -> Global. - Added: New translations for the modified date tooltip. - Removed: Color validation from styling section (on some server configuration the colors are always sanitized as "#FFFFFF" generating some important color issues). v4.5.8 - 22 November 2020 ------------------------ - Fixed: Safari incorrect styles when Disqus is selected as main comment method. - Removed: Prefetch CSS method (preload will be used as fallback). v4.5.7 - 20 November 2020 ------------------------ - Fixed: Recent Tweets widget not working. - Fixed: Author box incorrect color from Styling section. - Improved: Footer Copyright section now uses full editor (with shortcode generator). - Improved: AMP validations and warnings. - Improved: Custom Scripts (head & footer) will not work anymore on AMP to validate the pages properly, now it is required to use "Custom Code for AMP pages" instead. - Improved: Viewport size on AMP pages. - Improved: Hard rework Woocommerce styles, now WC style will be loaded only if WC plugin is installed and activated, also WC styles are now in a separated CSS file this will improve speed on non WC websites. - Improved: Woocommerce styles are not loaded anymore on AMP pages, this heavily reduce the amount of CSS used in the theme. - Improved: Styles for captions (Gallery and Single image for Gutenberg). - Improved: Reduced LCP for single post image (speed improvement). - Added: New option to disable "tags" below single post (not categories). - Added: Now breadcrumb will appear on all pages (archives, search, etc) except the main homepage. v4.5.5 - 17 August 2020 ------------------------ - Fixed: Some incorrects colors with the latest version of Redux Panel, all colors must be uppercase. - Fixed: The search box should always be displayed on main search page. - Fixed: Search icon on AMP pages not redirecting to the search page. - Fixed: Social Icons disappears on latest Redux Panel update. - Fixed: Incorrect design on author input box (from Woocommerce reviews section). - Improved: Versioning of assets when using Reco Child Theme. - Improved: Import/Export theme options section renamed to Backup. - Improved: If no menu is assigned to header, the mobile menu icon will not appear. - Improved: How SCSS files are generated (developer friendly). - Improved: Tested Theme compatibility up to WP 5.5 - Improved: WooCommerce compatibility up to 4.3.3 - Improved: How lightbox is applied to Gutenberg Galleries. - Improved: Now Gutenberg Galleries and Single Gutenberg image will display caption on Lightbox. - Improved: Latest tweets widget, now the amount of tweets is more accurated. - Added: Notice notification to ensure Core plugin is up to date. - Added: New option to exclude replies on Latest Tweets widget. v4.5.2 - 15 July 2020 ------------------------ - Fixed: Lazy Embeds (iframes) are marked as insecure on Microsoft Edge browser. - Fixed: Subscribe section do not appear if no image is assigned as background. v4.5.1 - 11 July 2020 ------------------------ - Fixed: Back to top button disappears when sticky header is disabled. - Improved: Ajax Load More button with heavy cache plugins. - Added: New option to select URL share method (permalink or shortlink) on Theme options -> blog -> share buttons. v4.5.0 - 29 June 2020 ------------------------ Summary: Core Web Vital (CWB) improvements. TTI: Time to interactive. LCP: Largest Contentful Paint CSL: Cumulative Layout Shift - Improved: Passive listener warning for CWB. - Improved: Image size for grid articles. - Improved: Several changes to improve LCP on Articles list. - Improved: Several changes to improve LCP on Single Post Content. - Improved: Now secondary CSS files, will be loaded with Preload to reduce the priority of not critical CSS files. - Improved: Now fonts icons are loaded in a separated file, to reduce the load of other critical CSS. - Improved: Now Slider scripts will be loaded only if needed on every page. - Improved: Now Code Prettify (prism) will be loaded only if needed on every page. - Improved: Lazy Load function for PHP 7.4 - Improved: Now subscribe background image will use lazy load by default. - Improved: Renamed functions/reco-functions.php to theme-functions.php - Improved: Now functions/sidebars.php, post-formats.php and theme-functions.php can be used inside the child theme, to override any function of these files. - Improved: Now Mobile users can use Zoom (max: 5). - Improved: Now subscribe form will open a new window, this will reduce bounce rate. - Added: Rel noopener and nofollow to several external links (social) and main download button. - Added: New optimization section (advanced settings). - Added: New option to select theme font icons method (standard, javascript or in footer), this will improve TTI and reduce a little the LCP from CWB. - Added: New option to add a delay to the font icons load (only available for Javascript method). - Added: New option on Optimization -> adv settings, now low priority CSS can use Prefetch, Preload or Standard methods. - Added: * New Speed Option, Async Scripts inside Theme options -> Optimization -> advanced. - Added: * AMP Compatibility (Transitional mode) for Posts, Home, Pages and Archives (categories, tags and author), except Woocommerce pages or single. - Added: * AMP Theme Options section. - Added: New how to enable AMP documentation - Added: * New Subscribe extra parameters (this will help to avoid the mailchimp redirection and subscribe visitors inmediatly). v4.1.0 - 07 May 2020 ------------------------ - Fixed: Counter error amount on pages that not are Home or Front Pages. - Fixed: Error on RTL submenu (lvl 3). - Fixed: Sticky logo not displayed when upload an image. - Fixed: Wizard redirection on some server configuration. - Fixed: Aligncenter not applied on embeds where aspect radio is disabled. - Fixed: Gutenberg Styles not applied on Backend in WP 5.4 - Improved: Header mobile height for those customers who are using background color for header container. - Improved: H1 on Search Pages. - Improved: H1 on Archives pages (category, tags and author). - Improved: Counter text template part. - Improved: Input fields font sizes to (16px), this will disable Auto Zoom In on IOS mobile devices. - Improved: Open Graph title for Home Page. - Removed: Instagram Widget (API was deprecated) also added a new guide how to add a Instagram Gallery. - Removed: Unused Webfonts to make the theme lighter. - Added: New option to display search term instead of counter on Search Page "SEO Boost" (theme options -> blog -> archives). - Added: New option to display Category description instead of counter "SEO Boost" (theme options -> blog -> archives). - Added: New option "ADS between X paragraph" on Theme options -> advertising -> single post. v4.0.6 - 19 March 2020 ------------------------ - Fixed: Facebook Comments counter not working properly on Single Posts. - Fixed: Language configuration on Reco Child theme. - Fixed: Minor error when theme is activated on some hosting providers (theme is not redirected to the wizard page). - Added: Compatibility for WooCommerce 4.0 - Added: reco.pot into reco-child languages in case customers want to start a new translation there instead of the parent theme v4.0.5 - 01 February 2020 ------------------------ - Fixed: Theme Options priority, sometimes Theme Options section is not being loaded correctly. - Fixed: Shortcodes not working on Footer copyright section. - Fixed: Articles list on mobile cutoff design issue. - Fixed: Ajax load more button on Category page. - Fixed: Ajax load more button on Author page. - Fixed: Error if the license page can't connect to the updates server. - Fixed: Google font extra request when custom fonts are not selected on Theme Options panel. - Fixed: Align Center not applied on some Gutenberg elements. - Fixed: JS error on old browsers (IE 10 - IE 11) - Fixed: Theme Options URL redirect on some WP installations that are not in English. - Fixed: EP Social Widget redirect tab. - Removed: Some CSS and JS .maps files to make the theme lighter. - Removed: Old webfonts to make the theme lighter. - Removed: Webfonts on Reco Functions plugin to make the plugin lighter. - Improved: Preload on custom Google Fonts from Theme Options. - Improved: How to get purchase code on theme activation page. - Improved: How to get username on theme activation page. - Improved: Now after theme update is succesfully installed, it will display a update plugin button, just to ensure all is up to date. - Improved: If the update was already downloaded, it will install directly from the license page to avoid more external requests. - Improved: Iframes fixed height on mobile devices (replaced with responsive embeds). - Improved: Now SCSS config compilator moved from Prepos v6 to Prepos v7. - Improved: Optimized theme usage disk space from 1.6MB to 1.3MB - Improved: Highly optimized disk space on Reco Functions plugin from 1.2MB to 193KB - Improved: Compatibility test up to PHP 7.4.1 - Improved: WooCommerce compatibility up to 3.9.1 - Improved: Styles for changelog (on license page). - Added: Check connection button on license page. - Added: nofollow attribute to social buttons on header. - Added: Responsive embeds. - Added: New option to disable default Google Fonts on Theme Options -> Typography. - Added: New external changelog page with the detail of all versions. v4.0.0 - 16 January 2020 ------------------------ - Fixed: columns shortcodes not aligned properly when using home text editor module. - Fixed: embeds/iframes incorrect height on mobile devices. - Fixed: issue with blurry image on IOS mobile devices (it is recommended to upload larger images as full background to prevent any blur issue on mobile devices). - Fixed: incorrect pagination button for WooCommerce - Improved: added a new way to detect the parent theme, this should avoid customers using Child Theme see disappears the Theme Options section after updates. - Improved: footer copyright now will use wpautop to prevent incorrect behavior on specific plugins (Elementor, Galleries Manager Pro). - Improved: input and submit buttons appearance on IOS devices. - Improved: now share buttons will use short url instead, this will improve sharing posts on any language. - Improved: now whatsapp share button works on Desktop and Mobile. - Improved: now One Click Demo importer plugin is not needed anymore. - Improved: All documentation about how to update the theme. - Speed Improvement: now when selecting Google Fonts from Theme Options it will be displayed with swap attribute. - Added: new option to enable "filters" on single post content. - Added: Arabic language, special thanks to "hatpot" - Added: translation strings for Twitter Widget (days ago, hours ago, etc). - Added: new welcome page with the minimun system requirements and changelog of the theme. * New Feature: 1 Click Updates, there is a new License page to download updates directly also the theme will periodically check for new versions. * New Feature: Theme Wizard, if is your first installation it will appear a new Wizard page to guide new customers accross all required stuff to make the theme working properly. v3.4.0 - 01 December 2019 ------------------------ - Fixed: if author bio (below post content) was disabled that option affects Author's main page (archives). - Fixed: if all sidebars are disabled, that should affect 404 page as well. - Fixed: minor warning on EP Instagram Widget. - Fixed: lazy load incorrect syntax on Gutenber Galleries. - Fixed: EP shortcodes not working on WP 5.3 - Fixed: caption styles on Gutenberg images WP 5.3 - Fixed: galleries incorrect margins on Gutenberg images WP 5.3 - Fixed: special characters when using share buttons (Twitter, VK, Facebook, etc). - Fixed: titles not disabled properly on pages. - Fixed: Woocommerce pagination problem when ajax load is selected for Grid posts module. - Improved: now all site_url() were replaced with home_url() this will improve redirections on logos and other third party plugins. - Improved: now sticky sidebar will work better with dynamic pages (like ajax load more buttons). - Improved: How to get Access Token from EP Instagram Widget. - Improved: added rel="nofollow" to custom banners. - Improved: now if gallery post types has no images assigned, it will display featured image instead. - Improved: now paragraphs can be used on Footer Copyright text. - Improved: now EP Recent Post Widget will exclude the current post (on single post) to avoid duplication (SEO boost). - Improved: now EP Posts by Category Widget will exclude the current post (on single post) to avoid duplication (SEO boost). - Improved: now Search page will use H1 instead of H2 (SEO boost). - Improved: now Author Page will use H1 instead of H4 (SEO boost). - Added: Facebook comments. - Added: new filter for all main posts modules (grid and classic), now the posts can be ordered by Date, Views (popular) and Title. - Added: new filter for all main posts modules (grid and classic), now posts can be ordered ASC or DESC. - Upgraded: Reco compatibility with Woocommerce v3.7.1 - Upgraded: ACF to version 5.8.7 v3.3.5 - 17 October 2019 ------------------------ - Fixed: Google Console warning for breadcrumbs (only for Yoast SEO on pages). - Fixed: hover effect error on Instagram widget, Flickr widget and galleries. - Improved: increased copyright text to 13px. - * Improved: delay of lazy load images on single articles, this should improve Google Insights several points. - * Improved: srcset problem with lazy load images on mobile devices, this should improve between 2 and 10 points on Google Insights. - Added: Lazy Load on galleries. - Added: autofocus when search lightbox is opened. v3.3.4 - 09 October 2019 ------------------------ - Upgraded: Reco compatibility with Woocommerce v3.7.1 - Upgraded: ACF to version 5.8.5 v3.3.3 - 27 September 2019 ------------------------ - Fixed: breadcrumbs Google console error if Yoast SEO is selected as BreadCrumbs, this fix doesn't apply if NavXT plugin is used instead. - Improved: hover effect for thumbnails, there was some minor amount of pixels displayed on thumbnails. This error is only visible on light images. - Added: link to Yoast SEO breadcrumbs tutorial into Theme options -> blog -> global options. v3.3.2 - 18 September 2019 ------------------------ - Fixed: grid with sidebar post list not displaying posts properly after update v3.3.0 v3.3.1 - 16 September 2019 ------------------------ - Fixed: Ads between grid posts not displayed properly after update v3.3.0 - Fixed: if home sidebar is not active, some custom sidebars are not displayed properly. - Improved: now can be used multiple posts list if ajax load more pagination is selected in the same home page. v3.3.0 - 15 September 2019 ------------------------ - Fixed: blank space on mobile devices when full background image are selected. - Fixed: AOS.js map error. - Fixed: error 404 sticky.min.js. - Fixed: number of columns not assigned properly if module "grid posts" is filtered by category. - * Important fix: submenu arrows not working on IOS 6+ on Safari browser. - Improved: added minor effect to back to top button. - Improved: now ADS will use CSS to hide them on mobile/tablets (just to ensure ADS are removed if cache plugins are installed). - Improved: sticky sidebar wrapper. - Improved: removed AOS effects CSS to reduce the layout load, now plugins.min.css size is 60kb (91kb before). - Improved: now related posts use lazy load if enabled. - Improved: now lazy load has a minor delay to avoid unnnecesary load. - Added (important feature): new pagination method "Ajax load more" button, this can be enabled individually for grid posts and classic posts on Theme options -> blog -> global options. - Added (important feature): now Reco supports BreadCrumbs, this is compatible with Yoast SEO and NavXT plugins, this can be enabled on theme options -> blog -> global options. - Added: PHP, Java, HandleBars, JSON, TypeScript, Objective-C, Visual Basic as default languages on Prism (syntax highlighter). - Added: new Instagram Widget. - Added: now Carousel module has 2 new filter options: order by views and order by date (all time, past month and past week). - Added: now Recent Posts with Image Widget has a new filter: order by date (all time, past month and past week), this could be combined with posts views filter to show your most popular posts. - Added: new option to disable default Open Graph meta tags on Theme Options -> Advanced Settings. - Added: new option to disable custom styles for Gutenberg Editor's backend on Theme Options -> Advanced Settings. - Added: new option to disable titles on Pages. v3.2.0 - 12 August 2019 ------------------------ - Fixed: now tabs shortcode is visible on EP shortcode generator (lightbox). - Fixed: classic and grid with sidebar module not detecting properly custom sidebars if home sidebar is empty. - Fixed: single post not detecting the correct custom sidebar if articles sidebar is empty. - Improved: now Open Graph url will use trailing slash (same structure from Permalinks) to avoid duplicate urls. - Improved: now Gutenberg single images and Classic editor single images that are pointing to "media file", will be opened in the default lightbox. - Important improvement: now when optimization is ON, the theme will load only the Critical CSS, this will reduce the style and layout load, so the mobile performance will improve between 2 and 7 points. - Added: basic styles to default select boxes (dropdowns). - Added: all strings of Back-End (theme options and others) into reco-functions/languages. v3.1.6 - 01 August 2019 ------------------------ - Fixed: minor warning when text color is changed on Theme Options -> styling. - Fixed: minor warning on EP social widget. - Fixed: rounded corners on grid + sidebar and classic post styles, when filters are disabled globally. - Fixed: Back to top button displayed even if was disabled on Theme Options. - Improved: Twitter widgets writing permissions. - Improved: now clipboard.js will be loaded from the Theme instead of external CDN, this will reduce 1 server request. - Improved: shortcodes CSS and will be loaded from the Theme instead of the reco-functions plugin, this will reduce 2 server requests. - Improved: now main Reco theme file size is 1.26mb instead of 1.38mb. - Added: Open Graph basic support, for Home, Posts and Archives pages, this will improve the way how your pages are shared on Social Networks (Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter, etc). It's still recommended to use Yoast SEO to an advanced usage. v3.1.5 - 14 July 2019 ------------------------ - Fixed: third menu level not displayed correctly if is the last menu item. - Added: new option to disable the filters box globally on Theme Options -> blog -> global options. - Added: new option to translate the searchform string on Theme Options -> blog -> global options. - Improvement: multiple RTL improvements (alignment, spacing and other design issues) so if you a RTL customer, it is recommended to update to this version. v3.1.4 - 28 June 2019 (important update) ------------------------ - Fixed: if sticky header is disabled for desktop and mobile, appears a debug message. v3.1.3 - 28 June 2019 ------------------------ - Fixed: sticky header not disabled properly on mobile devices. - Fixed: last menu with submenu elements will be aligned to the right. - Fixed: Search button not displayed properly on mobile and tablet for RTL users. - Fixed: permalink share button will be displayed as LTR for RTL users (urls are always displayed in LTR direction). - Improvement: now views counter inside post are editable. Objetive: lot of customers has old blogs and the amount of views should be higher in that cases. - Improvement: if the carousel has no optimized image assigned, it will display a thumb instead of the full image. - Improvement: increase the range of tablets device from 980px up to 1023px. - Improvement: now Ipad menu design (removed share buttons and always the menu items will be centered). - Improvement: increased H1 font size on mobile, so now the titles should look more consistent. v3.1.2 - 23 June 2019 ------------------------ - Fixed: custom sticky menu background color not assigned properly. - Fixed: custom global counter color not assigned properly on Classic Style List. - Fixed: if Disqus Comments are selected, must be displayed on Pages as well. - Improvement: now Comments Type option moved from blog -> single posts TO blog -> global options (this option will apply for Posts and Pages). - Improvement: now syntax highlighter codes are displayed with white-space: pre; property, so now large paragraphs will show a horizontal scroll. - * Speed Improvement: removed preload for FontAwesome fonts, this will reduce a few miliseconds of the server load. - * Speed Improvement: added font display swap for Google and FontAwesome fonts, this will increase the Overall Google Page Score between 0 - 3 points, depending on how slow is the hosting/server resources. - Added: new option to display sticky header on mobile devices, this new option is located on Theme Options -> Header. v3.1.1 - 08 June 2019 ------------------------ - Updated: to support latest version of Woocommerce (v3.6.4) - Added: sample data to import products into Woocommerce. (CSV file). v3.1.0 - 02 June 2019 ------------------------ - Fixed: sometimes the sticky Header is not working properly depending of the amount of menu items. - Fixed: permalink copy box overlapping on mobile devices. - Improved: now titles on "Fullcover" posts will be moved outside the main image, this will prevent design issues on large post titles. - Improved: now standard single post will use img HTML tag instead of div, this will give a small boost in terms of SEO. It is recommended to Regenerate featured image thumbnails. - Improved: now social share buttons has rel="noopener" attribute, this will improve the Theme Security. - Added: now EP shortcodes button will appear on the classic editor of Gutenberg, ref: - Added: new module Carousel of Pages. - Added: new option to disable categories globally on Theme options -> Blog -> global options. - Added: new option to change color for Text Logo on Footer section. v3.0.0 - 16 April 2019 (Important update) ------------------------ - Fixed: incorrect hover color for carousel buttons. - Fixed: some custom styles from the styling section. - Fixed: overflow issue on submenus, this issue is related only to mobile devices. - Fixed: inconsistent spacing on Fullwidth page. - Improved: reduced the space between posts without images on EP custom widgets (sidebar). - Added: lightbox feature for Gutenberg Galleries, images must be linked to "Media file" to make this feature work properly, ref: - Added: new option to select the main layout for the default wordpress posts page. This option is located on theme options -> blog -> layouts. - Added: new styling option to change the color for the copyright section on theme options -> styling -> footer. - Added: new option to change the "text selection" color on theme options -> styling -> content. - Added: new option to enable a close button for notice box on theme options -> header. - Added: new option to EP widget "Post with images", now posts can be ordered by views. - * Added: Woocommerce full compatibility for LTR users. v2.9.2 - 23 March 2019 (fixes update) ------------------------ - Improved: removed "Press ESC to close" on search lightbox for mobile and tablets. - Improved: now when "Optimization" is OFF, this will load CSS and JS separately (not combined in 1 large file). - Improved: several functions to avoid data errors and increase security. - Removed: Google Plus share buttons (it will close soon). - Fixed: views counter not working properly on old posts. - Fixed: minor search lightbox layout delay on Firefox and mobile devices. - Fixed: submenu on mobile not working properly (moved the event to hover just like v2.9.0 for better Android and IOS compatibility). - Fixed: Adsense height and width on mobile devices from 320px to 450px. - Added: Russian language, special thanks Evgeniy (gmellnikov user) for this gesture of kindness. - Added: VK and Telegram to the header share buttons. v2.9.1 - 18 March 2019 (Purge/Clear cache is required if you have any cache plugin) ------------------------ - Fixed: titles not displaying properly if fullcover style is selected and no featured image is added. - Fixed: Adsense height was not correctly calculated on mobile devices. - Improved: moved search button on mobile to the right side (increase usability according several customers). v2.9.0 - 17 March 2019 (important update) ------------------------ - Fixed: incorrect sizes on ads blocks (e.g Adsense) on mobile devices. - Fixed: links color not working from basic styling panel. - Fixed: links break words on large urls. - Fixed: submenu on mobile devices not closing. - Improved: added some styling to <button> HTML tag. - Improved: carousel now has a fade effect to avoid incorrect alignment on first load. - Improved: now import demo content will include 4 columns homepage. - Added: new option rel="nofollow" for buttons on EP shortcodes generator. - Added: views counter to post, there is a new option on theme options -> blog -> global options. - Added: Telegram and VK button to social profiles widget, these new options are on theme options -> social profiles. - Added: new global search button (next to the main menu) this will display a lightbox to search on the website. This new option is on theme options -> header. - Added: custom sidebars for Posts. - Added: new option to select 4 columns grid layout on Archives and Search results. This option is located on theme options -> blog -> layouts. - Added: new demo 4 columns homepage. - Added: new string for all languages "Press ESC to close" (this is related to the new search button). - Added: Full support for Gutenberg, now all users with Gutenberg enabled will see the same content for back-end and front-end (including our default fonts and several optimizations). - Added: new option to disable Gutenberg Styles on theme options -> optimizations. v2.8.9 - 15 February 2019 ------------------------ - Fixed (only plugin) Reco functions 2.9.10, featured image for video/audio posts, not working properly. - Fixed: problem with Turkish language related to the amount of comments inside posts. - Fixed: single posts not displaying title and tags when fullcover style is selected and no featured image is assigned. - Updated: ACF Pro moved to version 5.1.12 - Added: new option to exclude categories on classic posts and grid posts modules (to avoid duplicates post with carousel). - Added: new option "Posts per page" on classic and grid posts modules. - Added: now grid posts module limit is 4, so now users can create an optimized 4 columns layout as homepage. - Added: alt text and aria-label to carousel, widgets and featured images, this will boost a little organic SEO. - Added: several aria-label attributes on buttons, links and others, to improve accesibility on homepage. - Added: zoom capability on mobile devices to improve accesibility. - Added: social network. - Added: option to disable date globally on theme options -> blog -> global options. - Added: option to disable comments globally on theme options -> blog -> global options. - Added: option to disable featured image globally on theme options -> blog -> single post content. - Added: new section "Footer" on theme options. - Added: new option to disable back to top button on theme options -> footer. - Added: new option to disable logo on theme options -> footer. - Added: several options to upload a custom logo only for footer section on theme options -> footer. - Removed: "General Settings" section, now background styles were moved into "Styling section" to keep consistency. v2.8.8 - 30 January 2019 ------------------------ - Fixed: Woocommerce standard functionality not working properly with the latest update (2.8.7). - Improved: forced plugins cache to work properly with the latest update (2.8.7). - Improved: removed fade effect from standard posts (some customers says it takes too long to load the featured image). v2.8.7 - 29 January 2019 (W3 Total Cache fixes). ------------------------ - Note: on latest version of W3 Total Cache (, the plugin generate some conflicts with our theme styles (if your select boxes doesn't show properly is highly recommended to update). - Fixed: W3 total cache error with some of our main functions. - Improved: there is a new W3 total cache import config: avoid unauthenticated to see admin cache pages and added an option to refresh media query strings (this will help to refresh the cache of minified css/js). - Improved: now CF7 CSS will not load on homepage (minor speed boost). v2.8.6 - 28 January 2019. ------------------------ - Fixed: custom CSS from advanced settings, not working properly when optimization is disabled. - Fixed: logo color not changing when "Text logo" is selected. - Fixed: custom styles to download button. - Important Fix: download counter not working when download button is clicked. v2.8.5 - 24 January 2019. ------------------------ - Fixed: now select box for categories will display only parent categories, this will prevent large lists and some inconsistencies about styling. - Fixed: horizontal scroll appears when the last menu item has a submenu. - Fixed: centered images not working properly on Gutenberg. - Fixed: changed the download container to a unique name, to avoid conflict with other downloads plugins. - Improved: moved comment box to the top, this will help to avoid some inconsistencies with checkboxes (like jetpack), also was added some minor styling to the checkboxes. - Improved: carousel titles moved to H2 (SEO boost). - Improved: all carousel links has a related title to improve SEO. - Improved: now comment form is validated with HTML 5. - Improved: now attachment pages has a link to the parent post (SEO boost). - Added: aditional custom ads shortcode on theme options -> advertising -> custom ads - Added: new option to enable ACF menu on theme options -> advanced settings (for developers only). - Added: new option to enable share buttons on "Pages": theme options -> blog -> share buttons. - Added: new option to enable inline author (next to the date) on theme options -> blog -> single post content. - Added: new option to enable categories select box on mobile. Theme options -> blog -> global options. v2.8.0 - 18 January 2019 (compatibility update). ------------------------ - Updated: Bundled ACF Pro plugin update to version 5.7.10, highly recommended to remove Old ACF pro plugin and re-install, now works better with Gutenberg and page templates (for example home template). v2.8.0 - 17 December 2018 (compatibility update). ------------------------ - Updated: Bundled ACF Pro plugin update to version 5.7.9, highly recommended to remove Old ACF pro plugin and re-install, now works better with Gutenberg and post formats. v2.8.0 - 16 December 2018. ------------------------ - Fixed: submenu not rendered properly on mobile devices. - Fixed: ads removed from Sticky Header. - Improved: lightbox image counter, now uses the next format "current / total" e.g. "2 / 10" - Improved: several design issues for RTL users, now Reco should be displayed more consistently. - Added: new option lazy load for post content on theme options -> optimization. - Added: new option lazy load for embeds (Youtube/Vimeo or any other iframe) on theme options -> optimization. - Added: new option lazy load for Adsense (still on beta) on theme options -> optimization. v2.7.1 - 07 December 2018 (compatibility update). ------------------------ - Updated: Bundled ACF Pro plugin update to version 5.7.8, this should helps users who are using Gutenberg. - Added: Now Envato Market plugin is included on recommended plugins (Just to update the Theme). v2.7.0 - 01 December 2018. ------------------------ - Fixed: Sticky sidebar not working properly on posts with style "Fullcover" and standard Pages (infinite scroll issue). - Fixed: image size when post has sidebar disabled. - Improved: changed ads classes, this will improve the visibility if the user has adblock installed. - Added: how to update the theme on documentation. - Added: now posts includes a full list of the recommended sizes for Optimized images field and featured images. - Added: new option to disable author on carousel module. - Added: new options to disable ads on mobile devices. - Added: new option lazy load for main lists (home pages, archives, categories) on theme options -> optimize. - Added: new dedicated section to enable/disable share buttons on theme options -> blog -> share buttons. - Added: now sticky share buttons can be disabled separately. - Added: now every share button can be disabled separately. - Added: new social networks: Pinterest, Linkedin, Telegram, VK. - Added: new custom class box for Accordion and Toggles on EP Shortcodes. v2.6.2 - 23 November 2018. ------------------------ - Added: new French translation, special thanks Jonathan Lepretre for this gesture of kindness. - Fixed: some translated strings to turkish lang file (thanks to Mevlüt YAŞAR). - Improved: Instagram background color to pink (EP Social widget). v2.6.1 - 22 November 2018. ------------------------ - Fixed: reco.pot file (language file) was missing some plural strings. - Added: missing strings to spanish lang file. - Added: missing strings to turkish lang file. v2.6.0 - 21 November 2018 (Reco Functions plugin must be updated). ------------------------ - Added: new color button to style mobile menu icon. - Added: new advertise section to add custom ads between posts (loops like homepages, archives, etc). - Added: new font families options for sidebar and footer. - Added: new options to enable/disable individually social networks on (EP) Social widget. - Added: new Turkish language, special thanks Mevlüt YAŞAR for this gesture of kindness. - Added: now Reco Child theme has an individual languages folder, this is useful for that users that are adding his own translations. - Fixed: minor issue with double ID on inline CSS. - Fixed: an issue when sticky sidebar scrolls infinitely when sidebar height is major that content height. - Improved: now any ads on sidebar has a max width of 300 (this will help overlapping with large ads). v2.5.1 - 16 November 2018 (Reco Functions plugin must be updated). ------------------------ - Forced the theme to detect the new data created. - Fixed: minor styling settings. v2.5.0 - 16 November 2018 (Big Update) ------------------------ - Fixed: Youtube widget not rendering properly on SSL websites (https). - Fixed: (EP) Featured Category Widget was displaying full image instead of thumbnail. This will boost Google Page Score. - Added: Multiple Styling options for: header, sidebar, footer, content and forms. - Added: new dedicated advertising section: below header, before and after post content and custom shortcode to place ads anywhere. - Added: now menus supports Fontawesome icons (optional). v2.1.5 - 11 November 2018 (Important Fix) ------------------------ - Fixed: carousel image not displayed correctly if optimized image is empty. v2.1.0 - 09 November 2018 ------------------------ - Fixed: comment counter when using disqus. - Fixed: now optimized images is displayed on carousel. - Minor fix: changed help text for fluid ads widget. Now limit is 300px - Minor fix: removed bottom spacing on grid posts when author is fully disabled. - Improved: now sticky containers (share buttons and sidebar) has unique classes to avoid conflict with other plugins. - Added: new option to select multiples categories on carousel module. - Added: new option to filter posts by multiple categories on modules: grid posts, grid + sidebar and classic posts (this will help users to create pages with specific categories and not all the posts). - Added: new option to select custom sidebar on grid + sidebar and classic posts. v2.0.1 - 03 November 2018 ------------------------ - Fixed: forced to detect new options from v2.0.0 v2.0.0 - 03 November 2018 ------------------------ - Reworked: added several options to blog on theme options panel and now has subsections to keep all options organized. - Fixed: Shortcodes JS was not minified by PrePos 6 (this will improve your Google Page Score a little). - Fixed: date was not generated correctly on prev/next single post (below author). - Added: Linkedin Social button on sidebar widget. - Added: new option to enable/disable excerpt on grid posts and classic posts (separately). - Added: new option to change the excerpt length on grid posts and classic posts (separately). - Added: new option to enable/disable author on grid posts and classic posts (separately). - Added: new option to enable/disable meta data (date, comments and downloads) on grid posts and classic posts (separately). - Added: new option to enable/disable meta data (date, comments and downloads) on single post content. - Added: new option to change the text "XX Resources" on grid posts. v1.9.3 - 02 November 2018 ------------------------ - Fixed: When global counter is disabled, author page was ignoring this option. - Fixed: Now if all filters are disabled (author, category and search box) the red band will be hidden. - Added: new options translate title and description of subscribe section. - Added: new option to enable/disable subscribe section. - Moved: old subscribe options into a new section to keep the UI clean. v1.9.2 - 31 October 2018 ------------------------ - Fixed: Custom embed code on Video post not working properly. - Fixed: Custom Scripts on Footer (theme options panel) not rendering properly. - Minor fix: Sticky Header not displaying fullwidth on High Resolution screens (4k). v1.9.1 - 29 October 2018 ------------------------ - Minor Fix: Now sidebar is 300px of width. - Improvement: removed black background from pages without featured imaged assigned. - Improvement: now you can leave empty featured image on single posts. This mean optimized image works separately for home pages. - Improvement: now articles on home pages, archives, categories, etc will use h1 instead of h4 (SEO boost). - Removed: favicons section from theme options panel, due a lots of users are working with customizer, this section has been removed. - Added: new option to set background gradients to the theme (theme options -> general settings). - Added: new option to set globally the page layout: standard or fullwidth (no sidebar). - Added: new option to add custom scripts on Footer. v1.9 - 26 October 2018 ------------------------ - Minor Fix: Youtube videos not working properly when short urls are used, example: . Thank you to Luis for reporting this. - Improved: Now users must add Full URL of their Mailchimp forms so any time a visitor add his email into the subcription section, this will be passed into Mailchimp Form. - Added: new linkedin social profile. - Added: new custom field for video posts, now users can add any type of video for example: openload, facebook, twitch, etc. This embed code must be an Iframe. - Added: new option to upload sticky logo. - Added: new option on theme options -> blog to override posts layout. - Added: new option on theme options -> sidebars to enable/disable post sidebar globally. - Documentation Updated: now added a few steps how Mailchimp Full URL works. v1.8 - 25 October 2018 ------------------------ - Important Fix: pagination (next/prev button) doesn't work properly when you select classic post or grid + sidebar as a Home Page. Thank you to Felipe for reporting this issue. - Added: new option on theme options -> header, now you can enable scroll on sub-menus (useful for large lists, example: enabling this option will disable 2nd level menus. - Minor Fix: logo overlap when the user resize from desktop (1200px) to mobile (375px). v1.7 - 24 October 2018 ------------------------ - Added: new option on theme options -> advanced settings, now you can paste Google Analytics code or Adsense Code. - Added: new option on theme options -> blog, now the resources counter can be disabled globally (useful if you want to use the theme as a blog only and not for freebies). - Added: added a new option to the video/audio posts, now you can use a featured image instead of an iframe. - Fixed: now author select box, will display only users can create posts (excluding subscribers). v1.6 - 23 October 2018 ------------------------ - Improved: Now Reco pot file (for translation) has the full list of strings (theme and widgets strings). - Added: new option on theme options -> sidebar, now Reco has sticky sidebars. - Improved: now siblings articles images (below author) are not croppped, this will help users who are using images with texts. - Minor fix: author optimized avatar will be displayed on post comments list. - Updated: now documentation has more specific information about how to create a home page and how to optimize your Blog. v1.5.1 - 22 October 2018 ------------------------ - Minor fix: Flickr doesn't working properly on https websites. Thanks to Matthew for reporting this. - Minor fix: some widgets doesn't display the icon images properly. - Improvement: now large submenus on header has scrollbar (this will help that users who are using categories as sub-menus). v1.5 - 21 October 2018 ------------------------ - Important fix: one user reported "titles disappears", this happen if you are migrating from an old Wordpress installation and ACF plugin were not installed before. If you are starting with a new Blog, you can't see this bug. Thanks to user Theoz for reporting this. v1.4.1 - 21 October 2018 ------------------------ - Minor fix: fixed a php warning when is not installed EDD plugin. v1.4 - 21 October 2018 ------------------------ - New Feature: now Reco has basic support for Easy Digital Downloads plugin (EDD), you can use the download button to add 1 product to the cart and there is a new cart icon on the header (inside the share section). - Fixed: Vimeo and Youtube videos not rendering properly on SSL websites (HTTPS). - New Feature: added a new field to upload optimized images (compressed or just images with texts). - Improved: now when optimization is enabled, it will render the styles faster (no jumping). v1.3 - 20 October 2018 ------------------------ - Added: new theme options, now the amount of resources by author can be disabled for Grid Posts Layouts (useful for solo bloggers). - Added: new module "Text Editor", the purpose of this module is allow text content and shortcodes to your homepage. - Updated: just minor modifications to the Documentation. v1.2 - 19 October 2018 ------------------------ - Added: new theme options, now search box, category and author select boxes can be disabled on admin (useful for solo bloggers). - Added: now text counter can be replaced on theme options panel. - Added: new theme option, now you can select the articles layout for archives and search result pages (classic, grid or grid with sidebar). v1.0 - 18 October 2018 ------------------------ - Initial release.
Images by: unsplash and pixabay and freepik
Fonts icons by: Fonts Awesome
Important: ACF Pro Plugin is only bundled in the theme, you are not allowed to use or distribute on any other theme.
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