Scraper is an automatic plugin that copies content and posts automatically from any web site. With tons of useful and unique features, Scraper WordPress plugin takes content creating process to another level.
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We are creating step by step tutorials for plugin. Please let us know if you have any questions, we’ll be adding all details on tutorials.
[+] Creating Products |
[+] Special Conditions for Products |
[+] Plugin Settings |
[+] Project Settings : Track Changes |
[+] How to setup proxy for scraping process? |
[+] Using Cookies |
[+] Custom Fields |
[+] Custom Taxonomies |
Scrape Any WebsiteWith Xpath and regex methods, it’s possible to scrape any website! |
Get AttributesScraper can parse element’s attributes, that means you could get links, image sources, video sources. |
Set Feature ImageThe plugin can extract any image to set as a featured image. |
Duplicate Title SkipScraper verifies that there is no previous post with the same title. |
Fix EncodingThe plugin automatically fix encoding errors and post it after fixing it. |
Language TranslationScraper automatically detects content and translate it to any language. |
Content SpinnerScraper supports A.I. Spinner plugin, with this way you could create unique content. |
Support CategoriesYou could post your new content to any category that you’ve created. |
Regex (JSON) ParserYou could parse an information that contains JSON objects. |
Gallery ImagesScraper can parse any image sequence and create gallery with that. |
Search & ReplaceYou could transform your content with search & replace feature. |
Content Template with VariablesYou could generate your unique content template with transform feature. |
WooCommerce ProductsCreating woocommerce products with Scraper is really easy. Scraper supports all tags of woocommerce. |
Math FunctionsYou could sum, subtract or divide any number with math functions. It can be useful on price calculations. |
Embed Any PostExtract Youtube, Instagram or Vimeo ID from website and use it with embed transform. |
Schedule TasksWith different intervals you could schedule your tasks. |
Post UpdateYou could select a post to update with scraping. |
Link StripYou could strip links from original post content. |
Proxy SupportYou could use proxies on scraping. |
Cookie SupportScraper supports cookie, you could define cookie for any task. |
Post StatusYou could set your post status to draft or publish. |
Community TemplatesThere are hundreds of template on Scraper’s library. You could enable any of them easily. |
Yes, it translates any content with Google Translate API. It supports all languages that supported by Google.
Yes, it’s possible. You could set any image element as a featured image.
Yes, it’s possible. Scraper can detect image sequences and define them as gallery. It can also downloads image to your server.
Yes, we support all WooCommerce product custom fields and post types.
Yes, with transform function, you could apply some regex expressions or mathematical functions for numbers. With this way, you could update numbers with yours or change the values with math functions.
Yes, that’s possible. You could scrape HTML tags, meta tags, attributes or even JSON parts of page with visual editor.
Yes, that’s possible. You could write your own regex expression to extract data from JSON content.
Yes, in preview results section, you could test your model before you purchase or use plugin. It provides same results with Wordpress plugin.
Yes, you could set proxy IP and port on settings button which is located beside fetch button.
Yes, setting next page element is enough. It will automatically scrape all products or post items in a category page.
Yes, our support team will be asisting on your task or any issue that you experience on plugin.
Yes, if the plugin is not working as expected. Please reachout to use via before raising any refund request.
Visit Frequenly Asked Questions
- Introducing Scraper Pro (for ajax scraping) - Updated Documentation link - Feature: Added support for `Alt` & `Title` for featured image - Feature: Green Highlighter for Feed link selector - Bug: Fixed warning issues - Bug: Fixed Incorrect XML / RSS parsing message - Bug: Fixed HTML Source scrapping issue10/21/2019 (v1.1.3)
+ Bug Fixes07/06/2019 (v1.1.1)
+ UI Changes + Fixed: Scheduled Posts + Added: Ajax data parsing + Fixed: Parsing XML Feeds + Added: Non-english language support + Fixed: Local timezone capability03/20/2019 (v1.1)
+ UI revamped, many changes across the plugin and visual editor + Introducing Simplified view in "Scheduled Tasks" tab + Clone task feature introduced.02/10/2019 (v1.0.42)
+ ignore_params database issue has been fixed.02/07/2019 (v1.0.41)
+ product attributes issue has been fixed. + Split delimiter bug fixed for gallery images.01/12/2019 (v1.0.40)
+ DeepL Translation integration. + Disable URL parameters for URL uniqueness option. + Set featured image with post parent ID. + Total run limit functionality has been added. + Set author option has been added. + Set post slug option has been added.12/06/2018 (v1.0.39)
+ Multiple p element issue has been fixed for post_content. + Page increase stuck issues has been fixed.11/27/2018 (v1.0.38)
+ (Bugfix) Used images won't be downloaded again. + Next page jump and auto-reset functions has been improved. + cURL gzip enabled. + WooCommerce product_cat and product_tag issues has been fixed.11/13/2018 (v1.0.37)
+ Bulk list URL problems has been fixed. + URL path issues has been fixed. + Next page trigger functions has been updated. + Gallery selection issues has been fixed. + Visual selector has been improved. + Default value for product attributes has been updated. + Next page selector has been improved. + Article content selector has been improved. + cURL feature has been added. + Proxy issues has been fixed. + Visual editor zoom issue has been fixed for low resolutions. + product_tag creation issue has been fixed. + Same variable name issue has been fixed for visual editor.11/02/2018 (v1.0.36)
+ URL Path issues has been fixed. + Bulk URL list option added. + Yandex Translation API has been added. + tbody issue has been fixed for Chrome. + Post formats has been added on project settings. + Ajax request error has been updated. + Index selection issue has been fixed for complex tables. + New track option added : no change on post status. + Notices removed from settings area.10/22/2018 (v1.0.35)
+ Pagination issues has been fixed. + Image download and is required issues has been fixed.10/19/2018 (v1.0.34)
+ Memory issue has been fixed.10/19/2018 (v1.0.33)
+ Aliexpress image issue has been fixed. + Error display added for timeout and memory issues. + Remove element for removing popups, preloaders. + "Required" field added. It pass if field is empty. + Special Conditions section added. + Task limit issue has been fixed.10/16/2018 (v1.0.32)
+ Next page function on preview results. + Auto-detection for scraping feature has been added. + Using variables as shortcodes on Wordpress is possible now! + Visual editor Scraping base URL problem fixed. + Pause task issue has been fixed. (test edilecek) + Proxy URL issue on Visual tool, fixed. + Excluding posts by attributes is possible now. + Detailed logs for issues, problems. + Connection test functionality added. + Extract ID, HTML or URL from image attachment. + Limit task trigger function. + Next page URL issues has been fixed for location redirections.10/12/2018 (v1.0.31)
+ For is multiple field, JSON database format added. + Split content by words option added. + File download as attachment added. (pdf) + SKU Uniqueness method added. + _stock, _manage_stock, _backorders attributes has added. + Track changes function has been updated with uniquness method. + Post title can be used on filenames.10/10/2018 (v1.0.30)
+ Post excerpt field added, it's also short product description. + Post delete issues has been fixed. + Post status change functionality added.10/09/2018 (v1.0.29)
+ Proxy issues has been fixed on visual editor + Visual editor's local copy is on plugin with latest version. + Long URL issues has been fixed. + Post uniqueness issue has been fixed for post updates. + Delete post with source URL changes feature added. + Task process delay added. + Stop task feature replaced with pause task. It continues from last index. + decode feature added. + Multiple custom field feature added. + Media library attachment problem fixed for image objects. + Some UI problems has been fixed.09/28/2018 (v1.0.28)
+ Filename template feature added for all images + Strip and download images option added for content images09/28/2018 (v1.0.27)
+ Database migration issue has been fixed09/28/2018 (v1.0.26)
+ Gallery shortcode options added + Post URL and title uniqueness mechanism rewritten + Category creation issues has been fixed + Each post URL shortcode added09/26/2018 (v1.0.25)
+ Base URL issues for some web sites has been fixed (Aliexpress) + Clean Advertising codes improved09/25/2018 (v1.0.24)
+ Custom field issues has been fixed. + Documentation updated + Gallery images and featured images shouldn't be duplicated09/24/2018 (v1.0.23)
+ Multiple category selection feature added + Filename transform section enabled + Base URL issues has been fixed for proxy + Custom taxonomy featured added + Gallery has been fixed for woocommerce products + Split function added for tags (With delimiter) + Google Translate API errors display + Serial selector for category, tags and images + Variable renderer minor fixes + Create new category with data field + Visual Editor improvements, UI bugs has been fixed09/20/2018 (v1.0.22)
+ Strip only some tags (for advertising codes) + Attributes UX fix + Base URL issues has been fixed + Post dates added for custom field09/20/2018 (v1.0.21)
+ Multiple attributes for Woocommerce products + UTF8 problems fixed for Non-English languages09/19/2018 (v1.0.20)
+ Preg match issues fixed + Xpath selector improvements + Auto detection feature for serial links09/17/2018 (v1.0.19)
+ Next page selection + Design issues and improvements + Result preview + Performance updates + Custom field issue fixed + Numeric functions problem fixed09/15/2018 (v1.0.18)
+ 0 byte image issue fixed + Image gallery issues fixed + Xpath selector fixed and improved + Regex parser method changed with /g flag + Find and replace method improved, it supports multiple find&replace + Excluding URLs is possible with this version + {{source_url}} option added + PHP errors fixed + 0 byte image issue fixed09/07/2018 (v1.0.16)
+ RSS feed or XML parsing method added. + Woocommerce product category issue fixed.09/05/2018 (v1.0.13)
+ Image Gallery Parse + UX Issue : single post checkbox lock + Strip only tags + A.I. Spinner Integration Error + Style Parser09/05/2018 (v1.0.12)
+ Trigger Issues Fixed + More Templates Added + Featured Image issues fixed + Cross-origin issues fixed + Xpath selector improved08/17/2018 (v1.0.0)
+ Cron issues fixed + Image download feature added + JSON Parsing Method Added + A.I. Spinner Service Enabled + Translation Service Enabled + First Release
On this section, we’ll be helping you about your concerns before you purchase.
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